
Monday, May 31, 2010

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Memorial Day is here, the marker of the unofficial start of summer; the warmer weather is finally here.  In addition to the warmer temperatures, summer brings with it an array of fresh fruits and vegetables, outdoor barbecues and parties, lawn and garden maintenance, swimming and pool parties.  Your time outdoors is about to increase tremendously and so will your risk of getting dehydrated.

Our body is made up of approximately two-thirds water.  It is a major component of every body cell, tissue and organ. It also plays an integral part in almost every body function.  Water helps to regulate our body temperature; it transports oxygen and nutrients in the blood; it aids in the elimination of body waste; and it serves as lubrication to our joints.  The amount of water required each day depends on a variety of factors, including your general health, your activity level, and the climate where you live.  Recommended intake varies from 8 to 12 - 8oz. glasses of water a day.

Now is an important time to remember to stay hydrated and recognize the signs of dehydration.  The body can lose vast amounts of water, especially on days that temperatures soar close to or above 100 degrees.  Dehydration occurs when the amount of water eliminated by the body exceeds the amount consumed.  Some signs of dehydration include thirst, urine concentrated in color, dry mouth, a headache, light-headedness, nausea or vomiting.  To avoid dehydration consume fluids before you get thirsty because by the time you are, your body is telling you that it is already dehydrated.  It is also best to avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol - caffeine is a diuretic and stimulates the production of urine thereby promoting dehydration. 

So have fun this summer.  Enjoy the weather, be safe and remember to drink plenty of water.  It does a body good.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Macronutrients: A Three Part Series – Fat

So, if carbohydrates are the energy source, protein is the building blocks, why do we need fat in our diet?  As stated previously, fat has vital functions in our body.  It serves as insulation and protection for vital organs; it lubricates our joints; it assists the body in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E and K; and is the chief storage form of energy in our body.  Fat is a very concentrated source of energy, packing in more than twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates or protein.  Most experts recommend your fat intake be somewhere between 20 and 30%.

It is important to understand the different types of fat, which your body needs, and which ones to avoid. There are two types of fat to be aware of:  Saturated fats and unsaturated fats.  Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and are not essential to our health. Saturated fats typically come from animals and are found in meat, eggs and cheese.  They are harder to digest and have a negative effect on our cholesterol.

Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and can be divided into two groups:  Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.  Polyunsaturated fats can be further broken down into Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fats include olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil and sesame oil.  Avocados, peanut butter, and many nuts and seeds are also good sources of monounsaturated fats.  Omega 6 can be found in safflower oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil, walnut oil, pumpkin oil, and sesame oil.  Foods that contain Omega 3 are mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, tuna and flax seed oil.

Are you getting enough fat in your diet?  Are you eating the right kinds of fat? 

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Macronutrients: A Three Part Series – Protein

While carbohydrates are the body’s major source of fuel, protein serves an equally important role in a healthy diet.  Protein is the essential building block for building and repairing body tissue.  Every cell in the body is partially composed of proteins.  Muscle needs protein to help grow and rebuild after an intense workout.  Without enough protein in your diet muscle growth can not occur.  Most experts recommend that your protein intake be somewhere between 15 and 30%. 

Proteins are made up of amino acids – these are the building blocks of protein - which are combined together in a variety of ways.  There are 20 naturally occurring amino acids. The body can manufacture most of them; however, there are eight essential amino acids that can only be provided through a proper diet. 

Protein can be found in both animal and plant food sources.  When choosing protein-rich foods, be aware of what comes along with the protein because some protein sources are also high in saturated fats.  The best animal protein choices are fish and poultry. If you enjoy red meat, it is best to stick to the leanest cuts, choose moderate portion sizes, and make it only an occasional part of your diet.  Vegetable sources of protein, such as beans, nuts, and whole grains, are excellent choices, and they offer healthy fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Healthy Stride Giveaway – truRoots Organic Sprouted Grains

Since we are on the topic of macronutrients, have you tried quinoa? I thought it was only fitting to re-blog the Healthy Stride giveaway in between my posts about carbohydrates and protein, since quinoa is a healthy source of both. While, technically, quinoa is not a grain rather a seed from a leafy plant from the spinach family, quinoa packs a nutritional punch. Quinoa contains 160 calories, 29 grams of carbohydrates, and 5.5 grams of protein per quarter cup serving. According to The National Academy of Sciences, quinoa is "one of the best sources of protein in the vegetable kingdom".

Lindsay at Healthy Stride has teamed up with truRoots for your chance to win a basket containing product, recipe cards and a t-shirt. Please visit her site for more details.

The Macronutrients: A Three Part Series - Carbohydrates

As we have already discussed, carbohydrates represent your body’s main energy source from food.  They also provide the body with dietary fiber.  In a healthy diet, carbohydrates should account for approximately 40-60 percent of your total caloric intake.  Most carbohydrates come from plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetable, grains, and legumes.  Carbohydrates can be further broken down into simple – or as some fad diets like to call them “bad” – carbohydrates and complex – or “good” – carbohydrates.  Both complex and simple carbohydrates supply glucose to your muscle

Simple carbohydrates in simple terms (no pun intended) are sugars; glucose and fructose which come from fruits and some vegetable; lactose which comes from milk; and sucrose which comes from cane sugar.  Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly giving your body instant energy but will not leave you satiated long term.  Many of the simple carbohydrates we eat are sugars added to processed foods like sodas, cookies, baked goods, etc.

Complex carbohydrates consist primarily of starches as well as the fiber that occurs in all plant foods.  They are high in nutrient value and contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  They are processed much more slowly by your digestive system than simple carbohydrates and leave you fuller longer.  Foods rich in complex carbohydrates include grains and grain products, beans, potatoes, corn, and some other vegetables. 

Are you getting enough carbohydrates in your diet? 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nutrition 101: The Basics

The first step in achieving a healthy relationship with food is to arm oneself with knowledge.  The absence of sound nutrition knowledge can result in poor eating habits, which can contribute to low energy stores, an incomplete fitness program and poor exercise results.  Nutrition is the study of food and how our bodies use food as fuel for growth and daily activities. The macronutrients, or major nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The micronutrients, or minor nutrients, are the vitamins and minerals that we need to be healthy.  Mastering the nutrition basics comes down to understanding the roles of carbohydrates, fat, and protein in a healthy diet.

The foods you eat supply the energy your body needs to perform on a daily basis. Just like you need to put the proper fuel in your car, your body needs to be fed energy-providing foods every day. The main form of energy your body requires is carbohydrates. 

Protein is essential in your diet because it represents the building blocks for your muscles.  Protein in your food is broken down and used by your body to build and repair your muscles.  Your body also needs protein for components of your immune system, hormones, nervous system, and organs.

Your body also requires fats in your diet to be healthy. Fats make up part of all body cells, help us maintain body temperature, and even delay hunger pangs.  It aids the body in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins. Fat also cushions the body’s organs from injury and provides energy stores.

Do you follow a sound nutrition plan?  Do you find yourself avoiding certain nutrients (fat, protein or carbohydrates) because a fad diet tells you they are “bad”?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Healthy Relationship with Food

Nothing spoils the enjoyment of food, faster than the affliction of guilt; the feeling that you have done something wrong.  Guilt is the by-product of all defiant actions.  But what if we can forever eradicate the feeling of guilt that often accompanies eating?  What if eating your favorite food was no longer an act of defiance or weakness?

A healthy relationship with food is one that nourishes our bodies and provides the important nutrients we need for survival.  At the same time, it allows us to enjoy the food we eat without guilt or using food as an emotional crutch. 

To have a healthy relationship with food, it is important to be able to recognize physiological hunger cues from emotional hunger triggers.  Physical hunger cues include a rumbling or growling stomach, and may progress to a headache, dizziness or lightheadedness if too much time lapses since the last time you ate.  Emotional triggers might include boredom, sadness, stress or anger.

It can become dangerous if we stop allowing ourselves to eat our favorite sweet treats or if we start to make certain foods forbidden.  When we deprive ourselves of the food we crave, there is a big emphasis on the forbidden.  On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to eat in moderation those foods that we crave, we can learn to enjoy that food without guilt.  We must learn to indulge in the taste of our food, and consciously enjoy each bite. In moderation, we can enjoy the food we love.  Developing a healthy relationship with foods you love takes some discipline and dedication to moderation.

Do you have a healthy relationship with food?  Are you able to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation?

Monday, May 24, 2010

There is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

Ahhh, food.  The bane of my existence; I love food; I hate food; I love to hate food; I hate to love food.  Who hasn’t been obsessed with food at some point?  My life seems to have always revolved around food.  When planning events or vacations, it is always about which restaurants are nearby, who has the best entrees, what is on the dessert menu.  And what could be better than food?  Free food, of course!  The vendor lunches, the corporate dinners, birthday lunches, Christmas parties, summer picnics – all on someone else’s dime.  Free, no cost to me, nada, zilch, zip, zero.  Or is there? 

Is it really free if I then turn around and pay a personal trainer to help me shed the pounds?  Or spend money on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig or similar weight loss program to help me lose the weight?  Is it at no cost if I am beating myself up for over-indulging?  Or if I am paying for it later because I feel sluggish, tired or bloated?  Is it in fact free when I look in the mirror and am not happy with what I see?

Now I am not saying you need to start declining lunch engagements or to no longer attend events that involve food.  It is time to learn to make smart choices when eating out.  You can continue to go out to those corporate dinners and vendor lunches but eat wisely; make healthy choices.  I even believe it is possible to indulge from time to time; all things are good in moderation.  It is time to have a healthy relationship with food.

Have you found yourself obsessing over food?  What strategies have you used to come to peace with food?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Flexibility In Your Fitness Program

You warmed your body up, preparing it for the work ahead.  You took on the grueling meat of the workout, rising to the challenge.  At the end, you rewarded yourself with a well-deserved cool down.  Think you’re done?  Not so fast.  Make some time for a quick stretch.  With exercise, aerobic or strength training, your muscles contract and flex, making regular stretching a valuable part of any exercise program. Just a few of the benefits of stretching include:
  •          Increased flexibility.
  •          Improved range of motion of your joints.
  •          Improved circulation and increased blood flow to your muscles.
  •          Stress relief.
  •          Possible prevention of athletic injuries.

Flexibility exercises should include stretching for all of the major muscle groups.  Proper stretching involves holding a mild stretch for 15 to 30 seconds while you breathe normally.  To avoid injury, muscles should be warm before you stretch.  You should also never bounce through a stretch.    

Experts are at odds whether stretching should be done at the beginning of the workout, right after the warm-up.  Some feel stretching can also be incorporated throughout your workout, once you are done exercising a particular muscle group.  Do you remember to include stretching into your exercise program?  How do you incorporate flexibility training into your program?  

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Basics of Strength Training

What is strength training?  Strength training refers to the use of resistance to increase strength, endurance or size of muscles. This can be achieved with different forms of resistance such as gravity against your own bodyweight, resistance bands or tubing, free weights or weight machines.

If you want to lose body fat or change the way your body looks, one of the most important things you can do is lift weights.  Some of the many other benefits of strength training include:

-          Raising  your metabolism.
-          Strengthening your bones
-          Increasing your muscular strength or endurance
-          Improving coordination and balance

The basic philosophy behind strength training lies in the handling of the number of repetitions, the number of sets, the tempo at which the repetitions occur, the various exercises and the amount of weight used to cause the desired changes in strength, size or endurance.  The muscles are overloaded with a greater than normal stress or load on the body and adaptation takes place. 

The specific combinations of reps, sets, exercises, resistance and force depend on the individual’s goals.  If your goal is to gain strength you will want to do 4-6 repetitions per set, 3-6 sets per exercise, using 80% of your one-rep maximum (defined as the amount of weight you can lift one time for a particular exercise), you will want to rest at least two minutes between sets; if your goal is size, you will want to do 6-12 repetitions per set, 4-7 sets per exercise, using 70% of your one-rep maximum, you will want to rest at least two minutes between sets; if your goal is muscular endurance, you will want to do 15+ repetitions per set, 2-4 sets per exercise, using 60% of your one-rep maximum, you will want to rest only 1-2 minutes between sets.

Obviously, I have oversimplified many of the concepts of strength training for the sake of comprehension and easy reading.  It is my hope that over the course of my writings I will be able to explain in further detail the principles behind weight training.  But the crux of strength training is with overload comes adaptation or change.  Do you incorporate strength training into your fitness program?  Is your goal to increase muscular endurance, strength or size?  What is your favorite strength training workout?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don’t Look Now, It’s Another Giveaway

What do I love about blogging?  Given my post title, you might have thought I was going to say finding great giveaways, right?  While nice - I have yet to win one - I am in awe by all the inspirational people I am meeting on this adventure. Let me introduce you to Tricia, another inspiring young lady who has lost 125 pounds on her fitness journey. What is Tricia’s favorite form of aerobic exercise? Running.

Are there any runners out there looking for insole support? Tricia is currently having a giveaway on her blog for RxSorbo insoles. Visit her blog for details. Good Luck.

Aerobic Exercise in Your Fitness Program

Aerobic exercise is an essential component of your exercise program.  In addition to weight control, aerobic exercise offers many other health benefits including, but not limited to, lowered cholesterol, decreased symptoms of anxiety, tension or depression, prevention of type 2 diabetes, and decreased resting heart rate.

What is aerobic exercise?  Aerobic exercise is any exercise that moves your body hard enough and fast enough to raise your heart rate.  It usually involves using your body's large muscle groups at a regular, even pace.  It is any exercise that helps you use oxygen more efficiently.

A well-rounded aerobic exercise program should include a warm-up, the primary cardiorespiratory activity and a cool-down.  The warm-up serves to gradually increase the heart rate, maximize safety during the actual workout, and warm-up the muscles that will be used in the primary activity.  The duration of the warm-up is dependent on the intensity of the primary aerobic activity.  The harder you intend to work, the longer the warm-up should be to avoid injury.  The purpose of the cool-down is somewhat the opposite, it serves to gradually lower the heart rate after the core of the workout is complete, and it may aid in preventing muscle stiffness.  An adequate cool-down should last anywhere from five to ten minutes.

The mode of aerobic exercise you choose will be dependent on your interests and abilities.  Choose an activity you enjoy, as aerobic exercise should be included most days of the week in an exercise program.  Some examples of aerobic exercise may include:  walking, jogging, running, swimming, outdoor or indoor cycling, jump rope, aerobics or group exercise activities such as kickboxing or step aerobics, stationary exercise devices such as elliptical, treadmill or stair climber.  The core phase of your aerobic workout may vary from as little as ten minutes to sixty or more minutes.

Do you include aerobic exercise in your fitness program?  What is your favorite cardio workout?  Are you a runner or do you prefer a group aerobic class?  Share your favorite workouts, I would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How about a DVD Giveaway?

Today's theme?  Apparently motivation and giveaways. Interested in another giveaway?  Visit Lindsey Lu's blog for a chance to win Jeanette Jenkins Bikini Bootcamp workout.  While you are there learn more about Lindsey and her inspirational 90 pound weight loss.  She has been featured in Collage Video's success stories and has also been a part of The Firm Wave infomercial.  She too is another inspiring fitness enthusiast and will motivate you to stick with it.  For more information on the giveaway, visit her blog here.  Good luck.

Blender Bottle Giveaway

Who doesn't like a giveaway, right?!?  Fellow blogger and fitness entusiast Lindsay is hosting a giveaway.  She is giving away two Orange Blender Bottles to five lucky winners.  Visit her blog for more details.  While you are there, learn more about Lindsay and her 100+ weight loss journey.  Follow her as she trains for her half marathon in August.  She is sure to inspire and motivate you.  Good luck!

Find Your Motivation

Everyone, from time to time, can use some motivation, a push in the right direction, something to keep them going, their eyes on the prize.  That’s true if you are just beginning an exercise program or if you have been following one for years.  Here are some suggestions to help keep you motivated:

Know the Benefits of Exercise – there are a whole host of reasons why exercise is beneficial.  Exercise helps you manage your health, improves your mood, aids in weight loss, boosts your energy, and improves your sleep.  These are just a few of the reasons why exercise is beneficial to your overall health.

Find an Exercise Partner – whether it is a friend, spouse, neighbor or pet, studies show that exercisers are more likely to stick to a program if they have someone to workout with.  An exercise partner offers support, encouragement and accountability.  

Chart Your Progress – okay, maybe it is my analytical nature, but another way to stay motivated is to document your results.  It offers a visual of where you’ve been and how far you’ve come.  A snapshot of your progress that will motivate you to keep going.

Rewards – who doesn’t like rewards?  Rewards are great for keeping you going.  After reaching one of your short term goals reward yourself with something small, a new workout outfit, download a new playlist from iTunes, buy yourself a new exercise DVD.  Once you reach a long term goal reward yourself with something bigger a day at the spa, a new iPod.   

Other Motivational Aids – other forms of inspiration can be in the form of a motivating book, movie or quote.  Who hasn’t been motivated to workout after watching Sylvester Stallone train in Rocky, or Jennifer Garner in Daredevil?  Or how about reading about Lance Armstrong in, It’s Not About the Bike?  Or what about an inspirational poster board in your workout area decked out with motivating pictures or quotes to encourage you?

What motivates you?  What tips and tricks have you found useful to keep you going?  

Monday, May 17, 2010

But I Don't Want to Exercise...

If you bring up the topic of fitness in some circles you are bound to be met with some resistance.  Just the other day I was having a conversation with a co-worker about why I couldn’t join her for lunch - since I was going to the fitness center to work out.  “Exercise is stupid,” was her response.  But probing a little deeper, you are sure to find numerous excuses why people don’t want to exercise.

No Time to Exercise – I will be the first in line to admit that I have used the excuse that I am too busy to exercise.  But with a full-time job, a house to manage and a family to take care of, I still try to find the time to exercise.  It may mean DVRing my favorite program and watching it after my workout, letting the housework go until a later time, or waking up a half hour earlier in the morning, but not enough time, is not a valid excuse for me any longer.  There are 1,440 minutes in a day, I am pretty certain that most people can find thirty minutes to squeeze in some form of exercise.  And nobody said the thirty minutes had to be all at once, there are plenty of ways to fit exercise in throughout your day.  Take the stairs, go for a walk on your lunch hour at work, close your office door and do some pushups, lunges or squats.  Be creative and find ways to insert short bursts of activity in your day.   

I’m Too Tired to Exercise – Studies show that the more you exercise the more energy you will have.  Exercise will leave you feeling invigorated and more energized.  The lazier you are the more you will want to sit around.  I have seen it firsthand.  When my daughter was little she was a terrible sleeper, the pediatrician told me that sleep begets sleep.  Sure enough, the more she napped during the day, the better she slept at night.  Now, the more activity she gets, the more energized she is.

Exercise is a Waste of Time – if you think exercise is a waste of time it is probably because you don’t understand the many benefits to exercise.  While most people embark on an exercise program to lose weight, there are numerous other reasons to exercise.  Members of the former group often stop exercising because they are looking for results, and when those results don’t come quick enough or as they expected, they drop their exercise program.  The lack of visible or aesthetic results does not make exercise a waste of time.  There are changes taking place beneath the surface, whether it is improved cardiovascular capacity, a lowered resting heart rate, improved joint mobility, or lowered cholesterol; changes that are equally as important as a slimmer waistline.  These are all things that make exercise a wonderful use of your time.

Exercise is Expensive – it doesn’t have to be.  While many people think they need to spend money on expensive gym memberships, personal training sessions, or home exercise equipment to stay in shape, the fact of the matter is all you need is your own body to get in great shape – and at the very least a good pair of shoes.  The best exercises to get you in shape are bodyweight exercises:  pull-ups, push-ups, squats, lunges, and sit-ups which, with the exception of pull-ups, require no equipment.  Put on a good pair of shoes and let Mother Nature be your gym, go for a run or a walk, many parks have trails equipped with exercise stations to get in a total body workout.

I could go on and on about the number of excuses I have heard, or used myself, for not working out.  Most excuses, however, are not valid reasons; don’t let them keep you from reaching your fitness goal.  Do you find yourself making excuses?  What excuses have your heard for not making exercise a priority?    

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Free Exercise DVD Promotion

This one is brought to you by Litehouse Dressing and is for a free 10 Minute Solution Fitness DVD.  This DVD has been custom made for the Litehouse Dressing promotion and contains 3 segments that are 10 minutes each:  Blast off Belly Fat, Rapid Results Pilates, and Dance off Belly Fat!  

To receive your free DVD, buy 2 Litehouse Dressings and mail in your proof of purchases.  The mail in rebate form can be found here.  For more information about the promotion, visit Litehouse.  Hurry though because it looks like this offer ends May 31, 2010.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kellogg's Special K Promotion

Once again Kellogg's is offering its Special K 10-Minute Solution Free DVD promotion.  Kellogg's has two promotions:  First, specially marked boxes of Original and Red Berries cereal will contain a free DVD in the box - details can be found here; the second promotion will require you to collect five Special K stamps from specially marked boxes of their bars, drinks and cereals - details here.  The rebate form can be downloaded here.  

The DVD features Jessica Smith in six easy to follow 10 minute exercise sessions.  The segments include:  Cardio Kick Fit, Hip Hop Dance, Waist Slimmer, Belly Slimdown, Pilates Core Makeover, and Ballet Sculpt and Stretch.  

And the Winner is...

The entries have been cast, the results have been tabulated, the lucky winner of Cathe's Travel Fit workout is:


who commented, just under the wire, with:  Great blog Maria! As someone just starting out on the fitness journey I find your advice and insight priceless!

Please contact me with details on where to send your DVD.  I hope it will be a welcome addition and useful tool to your fitness journey.  Congratulations!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Time is Running Out

Don’t forget today is the last day to enter to win Cathe Friedrich’s Travel Fit DVD – see post here for more information.  For additional entries into the giveaway, leave a comment on today’s post and let me know how you’re doing.  I appreciate any feedback or suggestions of what you would like to see in future blog posts.  For another entry, follow or subscribe to my blog and leave a comment letting me know that you did. And don’t forget to share my blog with your friends and other fitness enthusiasts, leave a comment or link. The winner will be announced tomorrow so make sure you check back to see if you’ve won.  Good luck.

A Fitness Plan for Life

You’re motivated to exercise.  You’re determined to succeed.  Your mindset is just right.  Now you need a plan.  Let’s start out with the two easier decisions to make when coming up with a plan to make fitness a part of your life:  Where and when?

Do you have the means to exercise at home?  Or are you a gym rat and prefer to work out at a fitness center?  Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.  Home exercise is obviously more accessible and less expensive but will not offer the equipment variety and services that a gym setting will.  A gym membership, while offering variety, may not be convenient with your current lifestyle or budget.  You will need to weigh the pros and cons when deciding where the majority of your workouts will take place.

Next you will need to decide when your workouts will occur.  Just as you will find many experts who say that the best time to exercise is in the morning, when glycogen stores are depleted and fat-burning takes place; you will find just as many who say that mid-day or evening is best, when your energy levels are higher and your calorie burn may be increased.  Actually, the best time to exercise is the time that best fits your schedule.  You want exercise to become a habit, a part of your everyday routine.  So you will want to choose the best time to make that happen.  In addition to the time of day, you will need to decide which days best fit your schedule.

The more difficult question to answer when developing your plan is: how?  This will mostly depend on the goals you came up with.  But a well-rounded exercise program will contain the following: cardiovascular (or aerobic) exercise, strength training and flexibility.  Simply stated, aerobic exercise refers to the use of oxygen and helps make your heart and lungs stronger.  Strength training is using resistance to build muscular strength, size or endurance.  Flexibility is the use of stretching to keep the body flexible and allow your joints to move through a full range or motion.  Obviously, I would be remiss not to mention that nutrition plays a huge role in the success of any fitness plan. While the majority of my blog will focus on fitness and exercise, I will occasionally touch upon the importance of a balanced diet and eating in moderation.

So, do you have a plan?  Have you found what works for you?  Is your plan effective in achieving your goal?  I would love to hear from you on what you have found that works for you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fitness Goals: See. Write. Speak. An Exercise in Success.

Are you ready to make your fitness goals a reality?  Let’s discuss some effective techniques to make that happen because it is about more than just exercise, it is about having the right mindset.  Let’s talk about the importance of visualization, writing down your exercise goals and verbalizing them.

Visualization.  This is the act of forming a mental picture of you achieving your goal.  It is like having a mental practice session or rehearsal in your mind of the goal you expect to achieve.  The mind is a powerful tool and your body will respond in harmony with what your mind is depicting.

Writing Down Your Goals.  Equally important is the physical act of writing down your goal.  Until a goal is written down it is just a dream, a thought, idea or wish in your mind; once written down it becomes something tangible.  Goals are well defined.  It is how we will achieve these dreams.

Verbalization.  Even more important than writing down your goals, is verbalizing your goals.  Like visualization, the subconscious picks up on these verbal cues and your body in turn responds to what your mind is saying.  In addition, verbalizing your goal to others instantly creates accountability.  When you speak your goals to those around you, you create a support system that will help you to achieve your goals.

Never underestimate the power of the mind.  I read a great book recently by Tom Venuto, The Body Fat Solution.  This book is different because it is more about the psychology, emotions and social challenges of sticking with your program than the particulars of nutrition and training science.  While I wanted to get to the exercise fundamentals, he spent the majority of the book discussing the power of the mind and being in the right mindset for your exercise program in order to achieve your fitness goal.  Now I know that to be successful you need to start by getting your mind in order which is why he dedicated so much of the book to it. It’s the most important part of the fitness equation.  Interested in learning more about Tom Venuto and his programs?  Visit him at his Burn the Fat website

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Smart Exercise Goal. Achieve Fitness Success.

You’ve made the decision to regain control of your health and well being through fitness and exercise, now is the time to set your goals. The best way to succeed is to set SMART goals.  What do I mean when I say smart?  Well, I don’t mean that your goals up until this point have been unintelligent.  SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.

Specific.  This is pretty straightforward.  What is it specifically that you would like to achieve?  Your goal must not be ambiguous but should be easy to understand.  To say you want to lose weight or gain muscle as a goal is not specific enough.

Measurable.  You must be able to measure your goal so that there is no question that the outcome has been attained.  Your goal can be measured in terms of inch loss, pounds lost, clothing size change, cholesterol drop etc.

Attainable.  When setting a goal it is important that it can be realistically attained.  Take care not to make your goal too easy or too hard because both have a tendency to affect your motivation.  If you achieve an easy goal too quickly, you may be tempted to return to your old habits.  If your goal is too difficult, you risk giving up before you achieve it.

Relevant.  A relevant goal needs to be applicable to your personal needs and abilities.  While a goal of completing a triathlon is an admiral goal, it will be difficult to achieve if, perhaps, you don’t know how to swim.

Time-bound. Lastly, the goal must have and end time by which you can measure that it has been completed.

An example of a non-SMART goal may be:  I want to improve my walk time.  Now, let’s take the same goal and make it SMART:  I want to be able to walk 4 miles in 60 minutes by August 1st.  Goals can be further broken down into short-term and long term.  A long-term goal may be to lose sixty pounds in a year; this goal can be broken down into shorter term goals, such as losing fifteen pounds in three months.  Another long-term goal may be to run a marathon; a short term goal may be to run a 5k.  By setting SMART goals, whether short-term or long-term, you will be on your way to fitness success.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New to Exercise?

You’re Ready.  You’re Committed.  Now where do you start?  First and foremost, before starting any exercise program, a visit to the doctor may be in order.  If you have been inactive, are overweight, suffer from any ailments or are recovering from an injury, it is always best to receive clearance from your doctor first.

Next, you will want to identify your goals.  Is your goal to lose weight, gain muscle or a combination of the two?  Are you looking to lower your cholesterol, get your diabetes in check, or ensure your health for many years to come?  Or are you just looking to be active and keep up with your children or grandchildren?
Once you have established your goals, then you will want to develop a plan.  How often will you exercise?  What form of exercise will help you achieve your goals?  What time of day best fits your schedule?  The Center for Disease Control recommends a minimum of thirty minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. If you are new to exercise, you will want to take it slow and steady.  Try starting with a few days a week, but start small with ten minutes of exercise; once your body gets acclimated to exercising, gradually increase duration, intensity or both.  Increase your exercise by a few minutes each week until you’re up to the recommended thirty minutes.

The most important thing when deciding to start an exercise program is:  Have Fun!  Pick your workouts based on your interests.  You are more likely to be successful and stick to a program if you are participating in an activity you enjoy.  Does running burn more calories than walking?  You bet.  But the walk you will take burns a heck of a lot more calories than the run you won’t do.  If you don’t like running, don’t.  If you love walking, walk.

A great start for beginners, Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds Ultimate Collection, contains four workouts on one DVD.  The workouts range from just under 20 minutes to 60 minutes covering 1-4 miles.  Each workout builds in intensity so you can grow with the workouts.  To increase the intensity one-pound hand weights can be used.  A Stretchie, resistance band, is used to incorporate strength training into the routines.  At under $10, it is a great bargain as well.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Do You Like Giveaways?

Hey Everybody!  Fellow Blogger - Fitness for the Rest of Us - has been doing some of the best weekly fitness-related giveaways.  Some of her past giveaways include very popular fitness DVDs.  This week she is giving away a one lb. Platinum Hydro Whey protein powder. The winner will get their choice of chocolate or vanilla.  Visit her blog to learn more and to enter to win.  Want to know more about Taylors Nutrition?  Visit their website to learn more about their products.  Good luck!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

I would like to wish all the moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day!  New moms and experienced moms; young moms and seasoned moms; moms-to-be and moms-in-waiting, may you all enjoy this day and relish in the moment you became a mother.

For me, it was a typical chilly February day in Chicago just over two years ago.  I was two weeks overdue.  After struggling for many years to conceive, I was ready for my daughter to make her entrance into the world.  I had started having mild contractions the night before.  After calling the doctor in the middle of the night, my husband and I decided to go into the hospital the following morning, since I was still having contractions.  He sent us home though, since I was still in very early labor.  I had my weekly doctor’s appointment that afternoon and he would see how I was progressing then. 

In the meantime, I was to go home and labor at home.  To help my labor progress, I walked the treadmill, rolled on my stability ball and walked on the treadmill some more.  My efforts were futile though.  At the appointment, my labor was still progressing slowly so, the doctor performed a “procedure” to speed it up.  That evening I went back to the hospital and was admitted.  My labor was finally progressing, slowly but surely.     

After four years of waiting, nine months gestation, two weeks for good measure and 36 hours of labor, February 8th 2008 my daughter was born.  The frist time I held her in my arms was everything I expected it to be.  As someone, who also struggled with infertilty explained it once, it was like that first sip of ice cold lemonade on a hot summer day, refreshing and quenching.  All my joys, dreams, wants and needs were encapsulated in that moment.  That was the day I became a mother.  That is the day my daughter came into the world.  That is my Mother’s Day.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Do You Know What Today Is?

Not long ago was a time when I would get obnoxiously excited about my approaching birthday. And I mean obnoxiously excited.  I would talk about it for several days leading up to it.  I would make my way around the office at work, skipping and singing “Happy Birthday to Me.”  Seriously, I did. 

But somewhere along the way, the excitement waned.  Not sure how or when it happened.  Was it when I hit my thirties?  Was it when my daughter was born?  At some point, I grew up.  I realized everything isn’t only about me anymore.

And so, while I had planned on waiting before publicizing my blog, I thought now is as good a time as any to launch it, in the interest of give something back. I would like to invite you to follow my blog and see where the journey takes us. Sign up to follow my blog, share it on Facebook, Tweet it, and leave a comment, and you will be entered into a drawing to win an exercise video – Cathe Friedrich’s Travel Fit workout.

As stated on Cathe’s website, Travel Fit is a 51 minute low impact cardio and total body stretch band workout designed to keep you fit anytime you are on the road or just wanting to enjoy a workout that doesn’t require a lot of equipment. If you think this workout is easy, think again. The only easy thing about Travel Fit is the fact that you only need a resistance band to do it. This workout incorporates challenging and effective isolation exercises, along with compound exercises, and brief cardio bursts, to maximize your muscle toning and fat burning benefits. Travel Fit is a total body conditioning workout and even includes Abs.

Entries for the contest will be taken until Friday, May 14th.  Please check back to see if you are a winner.  Thank you for your interest and thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoy what you see and stick around.  As for me, today I will be celebrating my birthday with my wonderful husband and darling little girl. My birthday present to myself, you guessed it an exercise DVD. What can I say, old habits, die hard. After all, I am a vidiot.*

*term coined at Video Fitness to refer to an exercise video aficionado.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just a little bit more...

Finally, I had my little miracle baby.  And she brought about everything I expected, joy, happiness, smiles, cooing, giggles and more.  Motherhood also brought about a few things I wasn't ready for sleepless nights, colic and an additional 30 pounds to lose.  Once I got clearance from the doctor, I started to gradually add exercise back into my life.  My workouts consisted mostly of walking on the treadmill, while my daughter was soothed to sleep in her papasan chair by the hum of the belt whirring as I walked at a 3.0 mph pace.  I couldn't do any abdominal exercise for a very long time as my ab muscles had gotten very weak.

Well, this all worked out fine and well for the first three months but then it was time to go back to work.  At this point I still had about fifteen pounds to lose.  But with working full-time, breastfeeding, night feedings, I had no energy or time to work out.  My only saving grace - which I hate to admit - was my daughter had a dairy and soy intolerance.  Doctors orders were. "If I wanted to breastfeed, I would have to cut out all soy and dairy from my diet."  So I did.  And off came the fifteen pounds, and an additional ten that I had wanted to lose pre-pregnancy.

After nearly fourteen months of breastfeeding, my daughter weaned herself.  And I added dairy and soy back to my diet - and an additional ten pounds.  But my body was my own again and I started exercising on a regular basis again.  Slow and steady, I gradually worked back up to exercising six days a week.  But I had to adapt, I had to make the transition from being a morning exerciser to becoming an evening exerciser.  This has been by far the hardest transition.  I enjoyed morning exercise because you get it done, over with and out of the way.  Evening exercise lends itself to so many excuses and obstacles for fitting it in.  Which brings me to the purpose of this blog - motivation and accountability.  Now all I need is some readers...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A little more about me...

So, in my first post I gave you a little information about me. Since the main focus of this blog will be about fitness, I thought I would give you a little information about my fitness history. As I said, I wasn't physically active my entire life. I wasn't involved in any sports in high school or college. I never worried about what I ate. I was one of those people "blessed" with good genetics.

Well, fast forward a few years, and the lack of exercise and poor nutrition caught up with me.  I found myself in a music and video store perusing the sports and fitness section. I bought my first workout video. Well, one thing led to another and I bought another and another. In early 2000, I found a website Video Fitness (reader beware) and my workout library grew exponentially.

I had developed a consistent workout routine which amounted to about forty-five minutes to an hour in the morning, six days a week. I dabbled here and there at the gym but nothing compared to being able to exercise in the comfort of your own home. I had developed such a love for fitness, in 2004, I sat for my ACE personal trainer license (that has since expired - but I plan to re-sit for it in the near future).

In 2004, my husband and I decided it was time to start a family but we hit a roadblock. Three years into the infertility process, I decided I would sit again to renew my PT license - when I found out HOORAY! I WAS PREGNANT! While I remained active for the first five months of the pregnancy, I didn't fare as well during the second half due to back problems the pregnancy was causing.  After gaining nearly 40 pounds during the pregnancy, on February 8, 2008 I gave birth to my daughter.