No Time to Exercise – I will be the first in line to admit that I have used the excuse that I am too busy to exercise. But with a full-time job, a house to manage and a family to take care of, I still try to find the time to exercise. It may mean DVRing my favorite program and watching it after my workout, letting the housework go until a later time, or waking up a half hour earlier in the morning, but not enough time, is not a valid excuse for me any longer. There are 1,440 minutes in a day, I am pretty certain that most people can find thirty minutes to squeeze in some form of exercise. And nobody said the thirty minutes had to be all at once, there are plenty of ways to fit exercise in throughout your day. Take the stairs, go for a walk on your lunch hour at work, close your office door and do some pushups, lunges or squats. Be creative and find ways to insert short bursts of activity in your day.
I’m Too Tired to Exercise – Studies show that the more you exercise the more energy you will have. Exercise will leave you feeling invigorated and more energized. The lazier you are the more you will want to sit around. I have seen it firsthand. When my daughter was little she was a terrible sleeper, the pediatrician told me that sleep begets sleep. Sure enough, the more she napped during the day, the better she slept at night. Now, the more activity she gets, the more energized she is.
Exercise is a Waste of Time – if you think exercise is a waste of time it is probably because you don’t understand the many benefits to exercise. While most people embark on an exercise program to lose weight, there are numerous other reasons to exercise. Members of the former group often stop exercising because they are looking for results, and when those results don’t come quick enough or as they expected, they drop their exercise program. The lack of visible or aesthetic results does not make exercise a waste of time. There are changes taking place beneath the surface, whether it is improved cardiovascular capacity, a lowered resting heart rate, improved joint mobility, or lowered cholesterol; changes that are equally as important as a slimmer waistline. These are all things that make exercise a wonderful use of your time.
Exercise is Expensive – it doesn’t have to be. While many people think they need to spend money on expensive gym memberships, personal training sessions, or home exercise equipment to stay in shape, the fact of the matter is all you need is your own body to get in great shape – and at the very least a good pair of shoes. The best exercises to get you in shape are bodyweight exercises: pull-ups, push-ups, squats, lunges, and sit-ups which, with the exception of pull-ups, require no equipment. Put on a good pair of shoes and let Mother Nature be your gym, go for a run or a walk, many parks have trails equipped with exercise stations to get in a total body workout.
I could go on and on about the number of excuses I have heard, or used myself, for not working out. Most excuses, however, are not valid reasons; don’t let them keep you from reaching your fitness goal. Do you find yourself making excuses? What excuses have your heard for not making exercise a priority?
Thank you. I really don't feel like working out today, and I missed my early morning workout. Now I know I will go home this afternoon and take the time to stay on track. : )
ReplyDeleteHey Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that I can help. Make sure you check back and let us know what workout you did. Have a great workout!
I have to say that I do agree with the excuse thing to not exercise. What I don't seem to understand is why the misconception that if you don't need to lose weight then why worout at all? Even the smallest(skinny) people may seem healthy, but inside where you can't see they may severly be suffering in some form and I understand that society seems to put in our heads that if your somewhat out of shape/overweight you want to work out and fit those small jeans again, but it is good to workout for all the reasons you listed Maria, so thank you for helping others understand that exercise doesn't only have to be linked with losing weight.
ReplyDeleteI try and exercise five days a week or so and really like it. I find I miss exercise if I don't do it. Now if I could just motivate myself to give up diet coke!!! I drink way too much of it, it's not good for me. Are you setting up another blog on exercise dvds? It will be good.
Hey Jasmine,
ReplyDeleteI think you hit the nail on the head. It is human nature, I think, and society that causes us to place too much importance on our appearance. Exercise is important for a host of other reasons other than looking good - looking great should just be an added bonus.
Hi Susan,
ReplyDeleteExercise is good for the mind, body and soul. I enjoy it as well and miss it too if I go without it. Yes, I am working on setting up a second blog. I am going to try to focus this one more on information/knowledge and the other on DVD reviews/recommendations. Hope you'll visit once I get it up and running. Thanks.
Sounds great Maria, looking forward to reading your reviews on fitness dvds.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!!!! I love the comic :)
ReplyDeleteThat is a great idea for the second blog about the dvd's because I think that is very helpful, especially after seeing the picture of your basement. I think the part about buying dvds is so hard especially when you can't preview what they are doing or knowing if it's the right kind of exercise for your level of fitness.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lindsay! I was afraid to use the comic because I didn't want to offend anyone. Glad you enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of resources you can use to preview workouts before you buy them. Most vendors usually have a small snippet of the workout for you to preview. Also, if you are a Netflix subscriber this is also a great way to try before you buy. And let's not forget the library as a resource. I look forward to sharing my finds, raves and reviews on my other blog. Thank you for your interest.
Me, every time I can, I see to it I exercise in the morning.
ReplyDeleteMy friend to me that jogging or following my fitness cards first thing int he morning is for the best since my body will burn the calories I have accumulated from previous day's eat.
If I do that everyday, I think, it will help me avoid fat accumulation.
I am afraid to try any pills or surgical procedures. i want to keep it natural. I am open to several exercise programs though.
Do you think that's logical?